ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to the White House late last month had been the focal point for all the print, electronic and social media.
A door to transfer of tech know-how, Bangladesh textile and apparel industries received $408 million in foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2018, down by $13 million from the previous year.
Once these projects are put into operations, they will help to partly solve a shortage in garment and textile accessories supply as well as meet rules of new-generation free trade agreements.
Turkish exporters and trade officials are ramping up efforts to increase commercial relations with the targeted markets. The latest initiative of these efforts has been the free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations with Mexico.
GST refund dues will be paid within 30 days
EXPORTERS are shifting their focus to services trade, particularly in tourism, for the remainder of the year to make up for the sluggish performance of merchandise shipments.