
Against the backdrop of textile and apparel industries facing significant challenges in understanding and calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and setting appropriate reduction targets, the Tiruppur Exporters’ Association (TEA) on Thursday organised a workshop on ‘Carbon Emissions Monitoring and Effective Solutions’, teaming up with Fairtrade India.

The objective of the event was to reduce the carbon footprint of the numerous MSME units in Tiruppur district, in tune with the global standards, in order to achieve the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degree centigrade.

The TEA, the workshop organisers said, will be shortly signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Fairtrade India for giving a push to control of carbon emission among MSMEs, by establishing a Sustainability Clinic.

The Sustainability Clinic, TEA executive member and chairman, Branding and Sustainability Sub-Committee, Anand, said, will be providing guidance and funding to 50 to 60 MSME units in Tiruppur to reduce carbon emission by incorporating sustainable practices through water recycling, green energy utilisation and other environment-friendly approaches, Mr. Anand said.

With a keenness to continue importing products from Tiruppur, the EU was, through Fairtrade India, equipping the MSMEs to become carbon neutral by the time the restrictions (on importing products without green tag) take effect, Mr. Anand explained.

Abhishek Jani, chief executive officer, Fairtrade India, joined experts in providing the participants detailed insights into GHG scope classification, calculation strategies, setting baselines, and fixing targets to reduce emissions effectively.

About 250 exporters took part in the workshop.

Published on: 8th August 2024

Source: The Hindu

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