Following the directions of the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, the Kolkata Customs Zone has initiated a special drive to clear pending Integrated GST(IGST) refunds in relation to exports.
Exporters are asked to rectify mistakes in their EGM (export general manifest) and GST returns, said a statement issued on Thursday.
The Kolkata Customs Zone said that the refunds of IGST in few cases are "pending due to certain errors" committed by the exporters, it said. The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has considered the issue of these data integration errors by the exporters in their GST returns due to which they were not getting IGST refund automatically.
Sitharaman recently has asked the customs department to clear all pending IGST refund claims by the exporters. The initiative began on Tuesday and about 68 cases of refunds were resolved on the opening day, the statement said.
An amount of Rs 121.64 crore of IGST refund in August, 2019 in Kolkata Customs port was granted, it added..
Published On : 05-09-2019
Source : Devdiscourse