As per the government data, released on Sunday the total gross GST revenue collected in August 2019 is Rs98,202cr of which CGST is Rs17,733cr, SGST is Rs24,239cr, IGST is Rs48,958cr (including Rs24,818cr collected on imports) and Cess is Rs7,273cr (including Rs841cr collected on imports). The total number of GSTR 3B Returns filed for July up to August 31, 2019, is Rs75.80 lakhs.
The government has settled Rs23,165cr to CGST and Rs16,623cr to SGST from IGST as regular settlement. The total revenue earned by the Central Government and the State Governments after regular settlement in August 2019 is Rs40,898cr for CGST and Rs40,862cr for the SGST.
The revenue in August 2018 was Rs93,960cr and the revenue during August 2019 is a growth of 4.51% over the revenue in the same month last year. During April-August, 2019 vis-à-vis 2018, the domestic component has grown by 9.11% while, the GST on imports has come down by 1.43% and the total collection has grown by 6.38%. During August 2019, the due date of filing returns was extended by a month in 58 districts in 7 States due to floods.
Rs27,955cr has been released to the states as GST compensation for the months of June-July, 2019, the government data said.
Published On : 03-09-2019
Source : India Info Line