
Under the Solar Energy Credit initiative, an integral part of the scheme, the central government is providing a subsidy of 50% to power loom units having maximum eight looms for adopting solar energy for captive use either in grid or off grid system.

Even as the much-publicised PowerTex India scheme aimed at development of power loom sector completes its stipulated three years by March 2020 and the central government is indicating its intent to continue it with some modifications, Gujarat-based textile units have demanded to enhance cap on the solar machinery under the scheme.

Under the Solar Energy Credit initiative, an integral part of the scheme, the central government is providing a subsidy of 50% to power loom units having maximum eight looms for adopting solar energy for captive use either in grid or off grid system.

According to Gujarat-based power-loom operators, the cap of eight power-looms under the scheme was too low and it should be increased to at least sixty to encourage the use of solar energy.

Published On : 20-08-2019

Source : Financial Express

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