Amid widespread concern over the current slowdown in the Indian economy, State Bank of India (SBI) Chairman Rajnish Kumar on Sunday raised the pitch for a stimulus, saying that the credit demand remains subdued.
The SBI chief mentioned about Though lack of credit demand exists in the economy, there is no supply-side constraint as the public sector banks are well-capitalised, he said.
"Demand for credit in the economy is subdued. There is a need for stimulus in the economy," Rajnish Kumar told media
"There is no supply-side constraint. More or less, the public sector banks are well capitalised and bank rates also moderated," he added.
Increased spending by the government and the upcoming festival season would boost demand, Kumar pointed out.
Intensifying the efforts to find ways out of pressing issues of tax surcharge on the super rich, the slowdown in the auto and housing sector, the Finance Ministry and the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) are constantly holding meetings to come out with solutions to tackle the near-stagnant economy.
They are discussing options and solutions on tackling the slowdown in the auto, realty sectors and and also on the equity market, being battered by FPIs.
Published On : 18-08-2019
Source : SME Times