Textile minister Smriti Irani on Friday said that investors, including those from Assam, have been provided with subsidy under the Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (A-TUFS) by the office of textile commissioner.
It is also processing new proposals for availing subsidy for up-gradation of machines from the investors.
Smriti Irani told in Lok Sabha that under the mega handloom cluster at Sivasagar, private investments are encouraged in projects which are sanctioned in the PPP model.
“Under this model, the government provides 80 per cent funding and 20 per cent funding is done by the investor,” she said.
Since 2017, the Indian government released Rs 6.91 crores for such projects in Assam with the investor participation at Rs. 1.91 Crores.
The Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) has taken up 39 clusters under Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojna (AHVY) for the overall development of artisans in Assam.
“AHVY has benefitted 4970 artisans during the last two years,” Irani informed.
She further informed that under North East Region Textile Promotion Scheme (NERTPS), a proposal to establish two Eri Spun Silk Mills in Assam and Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) under government sector has been approved during 2018-19.
The government has set up a Board for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) under Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act with a view to timely detect sick and potentially sick companies and for taking remedial measures.
Under NERTPS the Indian government, through Central Silk Board, have taken measures to increase silk production in Assam by implementing sericulture projects in four categories.
These categories are- Integrated Sericulture Development Project (ISDP) and Intensive Bivoltine Sericulture Development Project (IBSDP), Eri Spun Silk Mills (ESSM) and Aspirational District (AD).
“As on date, no proposal to grant special packages to the Assam Cooperative Jute Mills Ltd., Silghat, Nagaon (Assam) is under consideration,” Irani said.
“However, preferential treatment is given in allocation of Production cum Supply Orders (PCSOs) as per its capacity under the Jute Packaging Materials (Compulsory Use in Packing Commodities) [JPM Act], 1987 because of its disadvantageous geographical location and limited options for local markets,” Irani added.
Published On : 26-07-2019