Sivasakthi Threads is a unit of PK Group of companies which has many establishments in all types of business at Tirupur.
In 1938 Thiru.P.Karuppanna Gounder a famous businessman of Tirupur started this group of companies. Initially he started a Grocery shop along with various agencies in the town of Tirupur. Gradually this company developed by him adding its wings to Cinema Theatre, Building Construction, Dye House, Oil Mill, Rice Mill etc. This company has its own land for the extent of 3 acres in the heart of the town.
We are having a Modern dye House located at Mangalam, 7km from Tirupur City, which is equipped with modern machineries such as R.O. Plants and Evaporator thus achieving the Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
We are having our Winding unit at SIDCO Industrial Estate, Palladam which is equipped with “Hacoba” automatic winding machines, imported from Germany.
Our unit is equipped with a Modern Dye House which consist of FONG’S HIGH PRESSURE HIGH TEMPERATURE(HTHP) MACHINES for dyeing.They are all Micro Processor controlled to ensure the correct and quality dyeing.Our quality control is equipped with a computerised colour matching system with Minolta Spectrophotometer, which ensures correct shade matching, Colour Evenness and superior Fastness properties.
The unit is having a modern Effluent Treatment Plant which has achieved Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) The Effluent is recycled with advance technology machineries and the water is re-used for our dye process. Further it is processed through reverse osmosis (RO) and finally in the multiple effect evaporator (MEE)
We are proud that we are equipped with the World's #1 WINDING MACHINES OF HACOBA, from Germany. And we are the first and only one to have these machines in INDIA. These Winding Machines delivers HIGH QUALITY WINDING PATTERNS, ACCURATE THREAD LENGTHS, ADEQUATE LUBRICATION AND EXCELLENT FINISHING.
We are proud that we are equipped with the World's #1 WINDING MACHINES OF HACOBA, from Germany. And we are the first and only one to have these machines in INDIA. These Winding Machines delivers HIGH QUALITY WINDING PATTERNS, ACCURATE THREAD LENGTHS, ADEQUATE LUBRICATION AND EXCELLENT FINISHING.
These machines are fully automatic and so the thread laying and other winding qualities are maintained by microprocessors thus maintain the same quality per cone to cone.
We are using only 2deg cones for sewing threads which ensures easy off-winding and reducing the problem of missing of stitch. The filament yarn and Embroidery threads winding is done in king spools which reduces the slipping of thread and problem of "cone jumping". Our quality control lab is equipped with modern apparatus to ensure the quality of our products. A Minolta Spectrophotometer is used to ensure the correct shades and so the lot to lot colour variations are minimised. The friction of the thread is measured with a Mesdan Friction Tester to ensure the adequate lubrication. The colour fastness parameters are tested in an automatic washing machine and a crock meter is used to check the rubbing fastness. The strength and twist of the threads are measured using a computerised strength tester.
253, Mangalam Road,
Tirupur-641 604,
Tamilnadu, India.
DIRECT : +91 421 4313125
Mobile : +91 98425 73737
OFFICE : +91 421 4313131, (4313101 to 4313199)
FAX : +91 421 4313100
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Contact Person :
Mr.S.Senthil Kumar
Mobile : +91-93444 77977
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